Assalamualaikum and happy day u guys!
Well, the upcoming result is really just around the corner, i'm sure all of you will be anxious for your result,
well, not only you, your parents also are really nervous for you guys..
Well, whatever the result is, accept it whole heartedly. You had done your best, right?
So, whatever happen, be grateful to ALLAH S.W.T, ALLAH knows what's best for each and everyone of us.
And, don't forget to carefully choose your pathway after you got the result
Whether you wanna go to Matriculation , Asasi, STPM, IPG, Poli, Diploma, SPA and etc, it is now up to you. And, don't forget to discuss it with your parents. Sometimes, parents knows what is best for you, but do consider your own interest, alright?
Don't be dissappointed if your result is not great as you had anticipated, there's always room for improvement if we are still alive. Its the same with our deeds, the more we do good things and follow the rules of ALLAH S.W.T, InsyaALLAH our iman will also increase. We will be acknowledged for what we did. So, keep studying, strive to be excellent.
" Mungkin kita x berjaya masa SPM, tapi siapa tau kita dapat 4flat nanti tym di matrix and etc?"
There are many living proof based on the statement above. So, don't lose heart okayh!
ANd, if anyone of u guys are interested in going to ASASI SAINS UITM PUNCAK ALAM, you can always ask me anything! =)
tanya ja di fb ka, sms ka, telefon ka, insyaALLAH i will reply it. Trust me, if you know how to live here, insyaALLAH senang lah proses pembelajaran.... serius.. PUNCAK ALAM ne best.
Kalau ada berminat, don't be afraid or shy shy cat to ask, arasso?
Akhir kata, GOOD LUCK! I always hope the best for my juniors2 yang cute miut neyh, n lau dapat result t inform2 la ya. (^_^)